Meet the founder of SEMtech
Thomas Holt Russell has a distnguished career marked by significant achievements in both
academia and the broader field of cybersecurity. His educatonal background includes an M.S.
Ed in Applied Technology from the College of Saint Rose, a B.S. in Informa0on Systems
Management, and an A.S. in Network Security from Colorado Technical University.
Russell's accolades in teaching are noteworthy, having received the Aspiraions in Computing
(NCWIT) Educator Award in 2021, an Honorary Doctorate for Cyber Education from the Denver
Institute of Urban Studies, and the Cybersecurity Education Administer of the Year Award from
The Ed Center. His dedication to educa0on is further underscored by various other recogni0ons,
including the Boecher Foundation Teacher Recogni0on Award, the Outstanding Teacher Award
from the Falcon Education Foundation, and the Teacher of the Year Award from Colorado School
District 49..
In addi0on to his teaching awards, Russell is recognized for his writing skills. He has received
multiple awards from the Denver Urban Spectrum Magazine and the Colorado Press Associa0on
for his editorial writing and coverage of significant topics like Teaching in the Time of COVID and
articles on how technology affects society. Russell is also an accomplished author, having
penned books such as "Urban Crow," "The Universe Next Door," "View of the World," and
"Binary Society," which include short stories, poems, and essays about our relationship with
Beyond his professional pursuits, Russell actively engages in community and educational
initiatives. He has been a coach and mentor for the CyberPatriot National Network Defense
Competition, and a virtual judge for the eCybermission STEM Competition. His involvement
extends to being an advisory board member for the Black Educators Network (B.E.N), which
introduces elementary and middle school students to technology through summer boot camps
and seminars.
Thomas Russell's career is characterized by a deep commitment to cybersecurity education, a
passion for teaching and mentoring, and a notable presence in the academic and broader
community spheres. His work aligns seamlessly with the goals of SEMtech, bridging the
technology education gap and fostering diversity in STEM. His approach reflects a holistic view
of technology and education, underscoring the importance of accessibility, innovation, and
community engagement
Dr. Thomas holt russell